Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Food For Your Heath!

Hope everyone is enjoying the pre-Spring weather!

You are what we eat! Milk does a body good! An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

How many times have we heard these expressions?

Your heart is the size of your fist!

Did you know that a healthy heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels each day.

Did you also know that the endothelial lining is what protects our blood vessels.

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn calls it "the life jacket of our blood vessels." The endothelial cells which line our arteries produce this wonderful molecule of gas called nitric oxide, which protects our blood vessels.

Why is nitric oxide so important, you ask?

Well this molecule protects us from ever having a heart attack or stroke.

Here's the problem, everytime we eat certain foods, they begin to injure this endothelial lining and ultimately, our levels of nitric oxide get lower.

Then what happens when there is little nitric oxide? Our arteries begin to form plaque which starts at childhood and continues into adulthood.

What foods harm our endothelial lining?

Meat, dairy, all oils, sugar, and salt.

Funny, these same foods cause other chronic diseases such as obesity diabetes, asthma, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and of course, cancer!

Am I just making this stuff up as I go along? What would be my motive, other than to inform others about what I've learned.

What have I learned?

That heart disease can be prevented, reversed and is the #1 killer of people!

That cancer growth can be turned on and off!

That dairy products cause osteoporosis!

That plant protein is all we need in order to be healthy!

Have you ever seen an unhealthy elephant? I wonder how he gets his protein and calcium?

He's a herbivore! How can an elephant be so strong just by consuming plants?

Think about it, all we need is what nature gave us...

Whole, plant-based foods!

The next time you decide to eat something, ask yourself, is this food going to injure my endothelial lining?

"Make yourself heart attack proof" by giving it what it so desperately needs, whole, plant-based foods!

Take the first step...

I know it will be hard at first, but once you eliminate all animal products, your body, especially your heart, will thank you!

Here are 3 great books to own and 2 informative videos! I love the yummy recipes!

What a great family!



To your health,

Sandra Perri

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