Saturday, 31 January 2015

Eat to Live or Live to Eat? That is the Question!

Welcome back,

Do you eat to live or live to eat? Being Italian, living to eat was something I did without a care, not giving a thought to what this way of eating would ultimately do to my health in the future. Growing up, I was pretty thin and could eat anything! That's because, we stayed outside all day and burned everything we ingested!

What's changed since I was 10?

We have! We are more sedentary than active. We eat more processed food than we did when we were kids and we are making less homemade meals than our mother's did because our kids have some tournament or competition they need to get to!

I am not here to lecture you! I was once the same person as you are now, until I watched the documentary, "Forks over Knives," and then my eyes were opened for the first time!

I am here to give you all the information you need to make your own decision and finally take your health into your own hands!

It was on Dr. Oz when I first learned about Dr. Joel Fuhrman. ( (youtube: Immunity Solutions, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, (

In a nutshell, Dr. Fuhrman promotes optimal health by eating foods which are whole and plant-based and have the highest micro nutrients in order to obtain the best immunity! And who doesn't want a strong immunity, especially during the winter season!

What are these foods, you ask?

GBOMBS: Green, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds! Eat these foods daily! Doctor's orders!

I know what you're thinking? No meat, no dairy?

Yes! We have grown up with the misconception that animal products are necessary for us and our children to get all the necessary protein and calcium for optimal health!

Not true! Science has proven with many studies that eating animal products causes chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, asthma, skin conditions, and of course, obesity...

I don't know if you've noticed, but there are more overweight kids now than when we were kids! Apparently, this generation of children will not live as long as their parents...

I want my kids to outlive me...don't you?

Try the Eggplant Cannelloni!

Do your own research, watch the videos and cookbook I recommended...

I challenge you to make a lifestyle change for 21 days and see what happens to your health...

Do you have more energy? Have you lost some weight?

Your choice, your health...

To your health,

Sandra Perri

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